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By the time a student completes high school, they are already knowledgeable about how to succeed in a workforce. In order to prepare students to enter the workforce with the competencies needed in the future job market, they must be provided with the resources, instruction, and technical skills that employers require. The goal of the school is to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes in graduates that will enable them to successfully enter the workforce and become productive and self-sufficient.
Quality education must be provided to all, which means you must be eligible to attend school. To ensure you are, the school asks you to complete a few forms that show that you meet certain requirements. These forms can be found online at the award/financial aid website, I-VISIT. To begin, you'll need the official transcript sent directly from your high school. Next, you'll need to demonstrate the completion of four forms of proof of residency in the United States.
There are no regulations in California requiring anyone to receive the vaccine or for schools to require it. You can elect to receive the vaccine after completing the required statewide immunization requirements. Questions about school immunization requirements should be directed to the school district.
The Office of School Programs is responsible for reviewing and approving community school grant applications. Generally, an application is reviewed twice a year. Forms are available for a community school grant application that allows the Office of School Programs to efficiently review community school grant applications. The following guidelines are provided to help you prepare your community school grant application. Prior to submitting your application, please make sure that you complete and submit the Community School Grant Application Form.